# Web NS update A webserver API for `nsupdate`. This is only intended for my usecase, so feel free to take inspiration, but don't expect this to be useful to you. ## Usage > [!Note] > This was made because I needed it. It probably wont fit your usecase. Using a flake NixOS configuration add these lines: ```nix { inputs.webnsupdate.url = "github:jalil-salame/webnsupdate"; # inputs.webnsupdate.inputs.nixpkgs.follows = "nixpkgs"; # deduplicate nixpkgs # ... outputs = { nixpkgs, webnsupdate, ... }: { # ... nixosConfigurations.hostname = let system = "..."; pkgs = import nixpkgs { inherit system; # IMPORTANT -----------v overlays = [webnsupdate.overlays.default]; }; in { inherit system pkgs; modules = [ webnsupdate.nixosModules.default { services.webnsupdate = { enable = true; # ... }; } ]; }; # ... }; } ``` > Robert was here!